Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

tulisan 4 softskill bhs inggris


Terjemahan lirik lagu ''MOTHER HOW ARE YOU TODAY''

Mother, how are you today?
Ibu, bagaimana kabarmu hari ini?
Here is a note from your son
Ini pesan dari putramu
With me everything is ok
Kabarku baik-baik saja
Mother, how are you today?
Ibu, bagaimana kabarmu hari ini?
Mother, don't worry, I'm fine
Ibu, jangan khawatir, aku baik-baik saja
Promise to see you this summer
Aku janji  menemuimu  musim  panas ini
This time there will be no delay
Kali  ini takkan tertunda lagi
Mother, how are you today?
Ibu, bagaimana kabarmu hari ini?

I found the woman of my dreams
Aku menemukan  wanita  impianku
Next time you will get to know him
Nanti  ibu pasti  akan mengenalnya
Many things happened while I was away
Banyak hal  yang terjadi  saat  aku  pergi
Mother, how are you today?
Ibu, bagaimana  kabarmu  hari  ini?

tugas 4 softskill bhs inggris


1.      1. The book which I bought it at the book store was very expensive.
 The book which I bought at the book store was very expensive.
2.       2. The Woman was nice that I met yesterday.
 The Woman whom I met yesterday was nice.     

3.       3. The People which live next to me are friendly.
 The People who lived next to me were friendly.

4.       4. I met a woman who her husband is a famous lawyer.
I met a woman whose her husband was a famous lawyer.
5.       5. Do you know the people who live’s in that house ?
Did you know the people who live in that house ?
6.       6. The Profesor teaches chemistry 101 is very good.
The Profesor who taught chemistry 101 was very good.
7.       7. I wrote a thank you note to the people who I visited their house on thank giving day.
I wrote a thank you note to the people whose house visited by me on thanks giving day.

8.       8. The people who I met them at the party last night were interisting.
The People whom I met them at the party last night were interesting.

9.       9. I enjoyed the music which we listened to it.
I enjoyed the music which listened by us.

1   10. The man was very angry whose bicycle was stolen.
The man whose bicycle had stolen was very angry.