Minggu, 29 April 2012

tugas 3 softskill bhs inggris


19211143 / 1EA19

A          : hey good morning ! you’re so beautiful. May i know what is your name, please ? (A asked B if he might know her name)

B          : morning too ! thank’s for the compliment. My name is claudia. (B said that her name was  Claudia)

A          : nice name. Meet me, my name is bagas. I’ve never seen you before around here, are  you new here ? (A asked B did her new there)

B          : i’m sorry before, I didn’t tell anyone about me and my family in this neighbourhood. Yes, i’m the new one. We just stayed here about a month. (B said that they had lived there about a month)

A          : ok, i see. So welcome to our neighbourhood. I hope you and family enjoy for living in this place. (A said that he hope they enjoy for living in that place)

B          : yes sure. I’m very glad to see you. How about you, did you have stay here for a long time ? (B asked A how long he had stayed there)

A          : yes. Me and my family have been living for many years in here. (A said that he had been living for many years in there)

B          : i’m sorry i have to go to college. (B said that she had to go to college) Thank you for this good conversations. See you soon bagas.

A          : ok, your welcome. See you, be careful.

tulisan 3 softskill bhs inggris


19211143 / 1EA19


Quoted speech adalah suatu kalimat perkataan yang diucapkan kembali atas perkataan yang telah diucapkan oleh seseorang.
Quoted speech bisa juga disebut Direct speech.
Quoted speech biasa ditandai dengan dua tanda kutip (“...”).

Contoh :
She said, "Today's lesson is on presentations."
"Today's lesson is on presentations," she said.


Reported speech adalah  suatu kalimat perkataan masa lampau yang dinyatakan kembali pada saat sekarang. Oleh karena itu dalam reported speech biasanya tenses akan berubah.
Reported speech tidak menggunakan dua tanda kutip (“...”) untuk menyatakan kalimatnya.

Contoh :
“I’m going to the cinema”, he said.    >>>     He said he was going to the cinema.

Sumber : http://www.learnenglish.de/grammar/reportedspeech.htm