Minggu, 29 April 2012

tugas 3 softskill bhs inggris


19211143 / 1EA19

A          : hey good morning ! you’re so beautiful. May i know what is your name, please ? (A asked B if he might know her name)

B          : morning too ! thank’s for the compliment. My name is claudia. (B said that her name was  Claudia)

A          : nice name. Meet me, my name is bagas. I’ve never seen you before around here, are  you new here ? (A asked B did her new there)

B          : i’m sorry before, I didn’t tell anyone about me and my family in this neighbourhood. Yes, i’m the new one. We just stayed here about a month. (B said that they had lived there about a month)

A          : ok, i see. So welcome to our neighbourhood. I hope you and family enjoy for living in this place. (A said that he hope they enjoy for living in that place)

B          : yes sure. I’m very glad to see you. How about you, did you have stay here for a long time ? (B asked A how long he had stayed there)

A          : yes. Me and my family have been living for many years in here. (A said that he had been living for many years in there)

B          : i’m sorry i have to go to college. (B said that she had to go to college) Thank you for this good conversations. See you soon bagas.

A          : ok, your welcome. See you, be careful.

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